What is Indecisive?
When one sucks at choosing.
Why are you so indecisive about picking a movie?
Indecisive. See:
Man: Where would you like to get dinner?
Indecisive Woman: I dunno.
Man: Really? Anywhere is fine by me.
Woman: I dunno.
Man: All right, let's go to Le Truffle.
Woman: Fine.
(At Le Truffle)
Woman (under her breath): God, I hate Le Truffle.
Man: What's that? Is something wrong, honey?
Woman: Nothing.
Man: Really?
Woman: I dunno.
Brandon Landis
We stood on the porch for for fkn ever waiting for brandon to decide where he wants to eat for his birthday. He is a drunk
botard . He isclownshoes