What is Indiana State University?


A horrible university located in Terre Haute. The students walk around like zombies waiting to flunk out and move on to Ivy Tech, or if they do stay it will take them 6-7 years to graduate. The campus "security" act like Nazi's, roaming the campus waiting to throw you into Aushwitz because you forgot your parking pass that day. The professors generally just throw some busy work at you and then have their assistants grade the work, often incorrectly. The campus parking is great, if you like parking 15 miles from where you need to go. Oh, and don't forget the millions of dollars the University spends on athletics, wouldn't want to end the 56 game losing streak for the football, basketball, and baseball teams.

Everyone is walking around with a blank stare on their face. I'm at Indiana State University alright!

Why did my tuition just go up again? Oh, because Indiana State needed a bus system, a new recreation center, a new college of education, and a new bookstore. I guess helping actually pay for an education is out of the question.

See isu, daycare


a school in terre haute IN. known for larry bird. the only people that know this school even is here are the people that actually decided to go to it. everyone that goes to this school, usually all leave and go to other schools.

where is Indiana State University? I've never heard of it!

See isu, school


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