What is Indianapolis Motor Beltway?


Another name for Interstate 465, the beltway (ring freeway) surrounding the city of Indianapolis, Indiana. Approximately 50 miles long, it passes through four cities (Indianapolis, Lawrence, Beech Grove, and Carmel). Most of its length is in Indianapolis.

The freeway is also known for motorists' general ignorance of the speed limit (55 MPH). A majority of traffic moves at 70 MPH or faster, garnering this freeway this nickname.

I-465's north and east legs are also characterized by severe traffic jams rivaling those of much larger cities. This is exacerbated by the high number of semitrucks/tractor-trailers that traverse the freeway at all hours of the day.

I love fooling out-of-towners into thinking that the Indy 500 consists of 10 laps around the Indianapolis Motor Beltway.

See indianapolis, indiana, beltway, traffic, truck, traffic jam, speed limit, 55


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