What is Indica?
Indica is not slang for marijuana, but one of the three species of marijuana; Sativa, Indica, and Reduralis. Sativa is more of a skinny, tall, lanky, and less yielding plant that produces a mind high. Whereas Indica is more of a small, broad, and usually a higher yielding plant that gives you a couchlock body high. Rederalis isn't grown due to its small amount of THC but is sometimes crossed with other species to shorten flowering time.
My Aurora Indica is budding nicely in my grow room.
A strain of marijuana. The cannabis plant will be smaller and stoutier. The high you get from an indica strain is more or a couch-lock high.
Opposite of satvia, which is a more laughy, active high.
Indica is one of three species of the genus cannabis. This family includes: cannabis(sativa) cannabis(indica) and rudaralis. Cannabis sativa plants tend to be tall,skinny with long leaves. Cannibis indica plants are shorter,fatter and tend to be denser. Rudaralis is not very common for production due to the fact the plant does not flower based on season, but rather on plant maturity, and contains small amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
"Lets smoke some of that purple "indica" i got."
the only twist off beer that doesn't twist off.
does not taste like the other indica.
an indian pale ale.
ahhhh. my finger is bleeding because this indica beer said it was a twist off and it doesn't twist off.
Women: What is Indica?
Bitch , its a car made byTata s.
nickname for marijuana, herb, skunk, bud. all the same..
"Chill with indica and Guinness
Steer clear of white powder"