Indie Girl

What is Indie Girl?


To tell you the truth, there's really no definition of an indie girl. Being "indie" is a state of mind--not a fashion statement.

There's no way to be an indie girl.

You just are.

If you happen to be a girl and you listen to independently produced music, watch independent movies, and if you stray away from anything mainstream then, yeah, you're an indie girl.

Indie girls don't indentify themselves as indie and they most definitely do not shun other people because of their tastes in music/movies/clothes/etc.

Indie girls don't just listen to music because it's indie.

Indie girls don't shun music because it's not rock. That's stupid. Indie music could be anything. Rock, rap, folk, anything.

That's it, I guess.

You're not an indie girl if you have to say it.

See eclectic, indie, independent, girl, emo, scene


I agree with Kourtnee D. If you say you are "Indie" then you are obviously not. And that goes for all stereotypes and labels. There is nothing more obnoxious then all these kids sulking around saying "Oh, I’m so Emo" or "Oh, i am such an Indie Girl" Just be who you are and if someone ELSE wants to label you then fine. In my opinion, labeling yourself is just as bad as giving yourself a nickname. That is for others to give to you.

And don't pretend to be into music you don't like and movies you don't understand because you think they are "Indie" and you want to be "Indie" If you like the poppy mainstream crap, that’s fine but don't act like you like independent music and films because you want to seem ethereal and deep.

As far as I’m concerned, having a checklist of HOW TO'S (I.E. How to dress, act, speak, and what music and movies to be into, hell even having to damn label of "Indie") goes against everything that is this so called "Indie" label. I thought it was about being "Independent" of the mainstream routine that people fall into and being "Independent" of labels. It seems as though all the self-proclaimed "Indie Kids" are so into being "Indie" they have lost sight of what it's really being about.

All in all, just be yourself. As corny as that sounds :-)

Girl 1: "I am such an Indie Girl "

Girl 2: "Oh, me too. I am so into all that Indie music and stuff"

Girl 3: "Wrong, You are posers, which is 10 times worse"

See indie, labels, emo, posers, stereotypes


There is no particular style to indie girls. The basic outline of an 'indie girl' is someone that does what they want. They listen to music that you've probably never heard of, wear what they want and are usually in touch with subjects that allow them to express themselves such as textiles,art,media,music and photography.

There is a typical stereotype of an Indie Girl which consists of messy, bleached, short hair. They wear vintage dresses and wear red lipstick. However there is no real 'trend' they are each different and unique.

You can't go shopping to try and change your image to be an Indie Girl, it's about being yourself all the time, but in a kind of rock chick way.

See indie, girl, rock, unique


Well this is how to spot/be an indie girl.

First we will start with clothing:

Denim and leather jackets, duffle coats or a faux fur coat.

Skinny jeans in black or dark blue, denim mini skirts or denim hotpants.

Vintage dresses from the 50s/60s.

Band t-shirts and tops that have a lot of sequins.

Old jumpers with holes in.

Waist belts.

Gold bangles, lots of rings and gold necklaces and beads.

Scruffed up ballet pumps and old skool trainers and ankle boots.

Anything leopard print.


Scruffy and messy

lots of layers



bangs that go all the way into your eyes

or maybe a straight bob

black, brown, blonde hair or bleached hair

Make up will be fairy natural but often they will have smokey eyes and amy winehouse eyeliner.

Red lipstick for special occasions.

Nail varnish will be red or black

Indie girls:

Know of a million bands that you don't.

Know a lot about most kinds of music not only indie.

Go to gigs in grotty venues and pubs.

Drink vodka and coke.

Are arty; making music, painting, photography, making clothes.

Are intelligent and know about current affairs.

Have read lots of books.

Love art house films and cult films.

Only go for indie boys and they are even better if they are in some band.

Always do well in school.

Smoke marlboro reds or lights.

Some even roll their own but only Golden V or white drum.

Mostly are skinny so they dont look fat next to their indie boyfriends and can share skinny jeans.

Go to the music festivals like Glasto or Reading.

go to any klaxon, jamie t, kate nash gig and believe me there will be hundreds of indie girls!

See indie girls


There is a way to be an indie girl. You're listening to music almost 24/7, you get clothes from mainly vintage shops, Urban Outfitters, and American Apparel. They're usually really skinny, and most are vegetarians/vegans. Bands like Fleet Foxes appeal to indie girls. And all are adorable! They like the earth, too.

Indie is awesome. Indie girls are cool.

See indie, girl, animal-lover, tree-hugger, awesome


Technically, an indie girl is a girl who does what she prefers, regardless of what is "mainstream" and popular at the time.

Nowadays, an indie girl is a pretentious snob who looks down on all music genres except for those underground. Often spends parents' money to feed her image. And drinks at Starbucks regularly, despite her "indie" image.

"Look at those weird boots, she's so indie."

"That pretentious poser bitch over there is an indie girl."

See indie, pretentious, snob, girl, underground



An incredibly cool girl. Who listens to a wide range of unknown music. She also must be incredibly witty.


She usually likes to dress sharp maybe with a tie. Unlike Avril Lavigne ties. Indie Girls wear them tight and normal not ghey-like. Usually with a nice polo or sweatervest. Indie girls also usually have glasses. You better be pretty damn Indie to make up for not having glasses. If you're a hard-core Indie chick you'll wear blazers with your ties. But not just any blazers. Tweed blazers and pinstripe only. Also, don't match too much. If you do it'll lookliek you tried to hard to look indie, and you don't want that. Even if no one can see your socks that day, wear two different socks. it's totally unique and it looks like you are poor/don't care.


Shoes are a major part of my indie girl life. And they should be a part of your indie girl life too. I like to wear and and every shoe I can find. Wing-tips, dress shoes, plaid clogs, bowling shoes, chuck taylors, bare foot, doc martens, be creative.


To indie girls hair = everything. You can go a bit daring and cut it all off for that short indie mod look. Of keep it long and make it totally layered and haute.


If you don't love to read. Don't you dare call yourself indie. I'll come kill you. :-) Now indie kids are all about being themselves. You better have an awesome unique personality if you want indie friends. If you don't have a sarcastic sense of humor and don't love comedies just curl up in a ball and die. Now indie girls have to have this whole I'm just a dorky indie chick presence. Everyone loves that. Other females will befriend you because they know that you will never be cooler than them. When actually, you're probably the coolest chica ever. Of course, you don't show it.


Being and indie chick is really hard. You set the tone for everyone. If you're listening to something new, don't tell everyone about it. Unless you wnat it to be on MTV next week. Loser.<3

Normal Girl: Hey what are you listening to?

Indie Girl: Music you can't appreciate because you'll just blow its "down to earthness" out of proportion and make it mainstream crap.

Normal Girl: Cool.

See indie, girl, cool, haute, chica, music


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