
What is Individual?


Individual - Meaning a person who acts in the way they want to and is not bound by the sad rules of soceity, live life forifilling goals for their self-esteem. These people do not conform to the 'masses' and are therefore swarn enemy to the common Townieetc... An individual has their 'own' mind and seeks enlightenment through completing personal tasks set by themselves and are not influenced by someone elses opinion simply because they are 'popular'.

'Townie - Why u doin' tha?'

'Individual - Well why ask the question?'

'Townie - Urgh?!'

See Lewis


An individual who doesnt classify themself under a stereotypical catagory. (prep,emo,punk,nerd etc.)

they dress how they want to dress, listen to what they want to listen to and do what they want to do and normally people respect that. an individual hates to be labeled.

a girl that likes punk,rockabilly,ska music but hangs out with the preps but doesnt shop at abercrombie because its to expensive,wears what she wants to wear and has friends from all groups.

"look at that girl, i cant even stereptype her, shes jsut an individual"

See individual, labeled, hates, music, stereotype, stereotypical, fa sho


1. An "individual" is generally considered one who follows only his(her) own rules of life.

2. Also, in general, anything that is different from the rest of the world in any way.

1. Jon is the true individual. He says so many times until it becomes a catchphrase, "I don't care what the 'others' think about my actions" - and his actions (often crude and immature) support that phrase.

2. My DNA is probably truly individual.

See unique, others, us, them, nonconformist


Def1)A person who lives life dominated by their own personal values, beleifs, and ambitions. A true "individual" doesn't even realize they are an individual, they are just doing their thing and it feels natural to them. Anyone who calls themselves an individual and thinks they arn't part of culture and society is stupid and just as unindividual as they people they look down on for joining mainstream culture. Listening to obscure indie music doesn't make you an individual. Wearing trendy clothes does not make you an individual.

Def2)But really, everyone is an individual, the previously mentioned "true individual" who does their thing because it comes naturally to them is really just a confident, intelligent person who stands out from the crowd, but in actuallity is no different that everyone else just because humans, in a basic sense, live for the same things (their values, ambitions, personal relationships, dreams, ect). Its impossible not to be an individual, because people have evolved as societies for the last million years and your attitude can not change that. Everyone has their own values and beleifs, but their behaviour is shaped in varying degrees by their setting and role in a situation. This is undeniable and undebatable fact of human existance. The people who appear to be "individual" just have their behaviour and morals/ideas influenced by a different aspect of life than the observer's own beliefs.

Def1) Jane- "I love you so much, Bill, you're just such an individual"

Bill- "What? I'm not doing anything special, I'm just living life"

Ellen- "I'm an individual. I'm not controlled by the mindless drone that is mainstream culture. I don't get my ideas by watching MTV like everyone else. I listen to Arcade Fire. I have a red streak in my hair. Why are people such sheep?"

Drederick- "Bitch shut the fuck up, you and your friends all look the same and every high school has a group of you sorry losers. You arn't unique, and you arn't individual"

Def2) Everyone is an individual. But not everyone realizes that, so we get cultural bullshit from a few lame high school kids.

See humanity, bullshit, unique, sheep, nature


Individual's may actually conform, just to prove that they are individual from other individuals...

There is no definition of an individual, for to define an individual is hideously oxymoronic.

"Remember Johnny, you are an individual, just like everyone else."

See individual, normal, chav, townie, goth


basically someone who doesnt go for the rules and doesnt care what people think they like whatever they want and dont like to be under labels.

individual example- catholic person likes hardcore, buys at american eagle,and doesnt go for rules. basically not like some idiots who go i cant buy at abercrombie cuz its for preps.


A word which means being yourself in anyway. You can like to things at once such as music. rap and rock. You can wear converses with a pink shirt. A black shirt one day a pink one next day. Be your self! ^.^

I wore a black shirt today.

Next day a white shirt.


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