
What is Indubitably?


Without doubt; 100% sure.

Ok, this is the best word in the english language. Just say it and it gets plastered into the back of your brain and you're hooked on this one word. Saying it over, and over, and over, and over. I love it.


Indubitably, my penis is bigger than yours.



A 'posh' way of saying "Without a doubt" or fo' shizzle my nizzle.

man1: Gosh, a jolly good bash this, what?

man2: indubitably


(1) Slang; cool.

(2) A phrase losely meaning "indeed".

(1)Indubitably! That's good.

(2) Indubitably so, old chum! Pip pip tallyho!


of course you dumbass

Indubitably, you dumbass. Do you even need to ask?


The meaning of this word is undoubtedly, unquestionably, in a matter to remove all doubt.

EXAMPLE SENTENCE: I am indubitably certain that the concert is tonight at 7:00.

See absolutely, for sure


a proffesional way of saying For sure my nigger.

Indubitably i want a pound not a dime


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