
What is Inop?


aka In Need Of Practice. About the most awesome pallyin Gorgonnash. He is also the leader of #i4clan and a pretty beast AKer in CS. He gets mad easily when he lags in-game, so watch out he gets flushpackets!

INOP: Who's downloading?! I'm lagging in this pub! *pounds keyboard*

See wow, cs, teh, noob, <3


aka In Need Of Practice.

About the most awesome pally in Gorgonnash of WoW. He is also the leader of #i4clan and a pretty beast AKer in CS. He gets mad easily when he lags in-game, so watch out if he gets flushpackets!

INOP: Who's downloading?! I'm lagging in this pub! *pounds keyboard*

See counter-strike, gaming, noob, 1337sauce, wow, lifted


Club for teens who are "In Need Of Punanni" Originally started by two teens named Ilan and Ilana, who were in some desperate need for Punanni. This club is quickly spreading. Members usually create a slogan involving the word INOP (see examples).

1) INOP, like icepop, but you don't put it in your mouth. Wait, yes you do.

2) INOP like IPOD, except without music. However music can be included for an added effect.

3) INOP like IHOP, but no pancakes are involved, unless that's your style.

4) INOP like PINO ( in the wine), however, the cost of the wine isn't included. Despite this the wine is often worth the extra cash and has a very good chance of enhancing the experience.

5) INOP like COP, costumes are available if you are kinky like that.

See inop, punanni, punani, poni, nop


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