Instant Karma

What is Instant Karma?


Instant karma is, for you low minded children, like paying back for 'sins' almost imediantly after you commit it. Karma is an idea from Buddhism and Hinduism. Talk bad about the Dali Llama, and you'll get some instant karma. SAVE TIBET!

Bobby kicked his sisters cat. Because of instant karma, he fell going down the stairs five minutes later. Bobby is a dumb ass bastard, and he deserved it.


It's gonna get you.

instant karma's gonna get you

gonna look you right in the face

better get yourself together, darlin'

See enjuneer


Umm, sorry actually Instant Karma was released ten years before Lennon was shot.

Great song! Go Lennon!

I think instant karma should be applied to those who think Lennon released Instant Karma in 1980.


A tranquiliser...obviously :P

Florrie had once mentioned instant karma to Henry, but he thought it was a kind of tranquiliser


A song that John Lennon released right before he was shot and killed.see irony

I don't believe in Karma but if you do then don't release a song like Instant Karma cause IT WILL GET YOU!


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