
What is Insync?


Incorrect spelling of the popular boy band from the mid 90's to early 2000's *NSYNC.

Most commonly used by people who dislike the band, boy bands, or any group who sounds similar to *NSYNC.

This term is also commonly used by people who are "rockers" and dislike all "Pop" music all together

EX 1:Written in urban dictionary By -Chris- :

Def- S Club 7

SUCKS ASS to the extremoid.

-Similar Bands-

-Backstreet Boys

-Pussycat Dolls



-Opposite Bands-

-Green Day

-System of a Down

-Franz Ferdinand

-The Killers

-The Strokes

EX 2:While in an Instant Message:

P1- I Cant Believe You Still listen to that Gay band INSYNC

P2:Its Written NSYNC, and i stil like them for there melodic harmonies and cute love songs

See lance bass, justin timberlake, joey fatone, nsync, backstreet boys


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