
What is Intelegenic?


Combining intelligent with telegenic (their defs follow)

in·tel·li·gent + tel·e·gen·ic = intelegenic

in·tel·li·gent (ĭn-tìl'ə-jənt) adj.

-Having intelligence.

-Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute.

-Showing sound judgment and rationality: an intelligent decision; an intelligent solution to the problem.

- Appealing to the intellect; intellectual: a film with witty and intelligent dialogue.

- Computer Science Having certain data storage and processing capabilities: an intelligent terminal; intelligent peripherals.

tel·e·gen·ic (tìl'ə-jìn'ĭk) adj.

Having a physical appearance and exhibiting personal qualities that are deemed highly appealing to television viewers: "Do we insist on a telegenic President?"

(William F. Buckley, Jr.)

--American Heritage Dictionary

Isn't Barack Obama intelegenic (both looks and smarts)?

JFK was called telegenic, since the Urban Dictionary wasb't around in the '60s

See media, politics, television, smart, attractive, appealing


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