What is Intelegenic?
Combining intelligent with telegenic (their defs follow)
in·tel·li·gent + tel·e·gen·ic = intelegenic
in·tel·li·gent (ĭn-tìl'ə-jənt) adj.
-Having intelligence.
-Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute.
-Showing sound judgment and rationality: an intelligent decision; an intelligent solution to the problem.
- Appealing to the intellect; intellectual: a film with witty and intelligent dialogue.
- Computer Science Having certain data storage and processing capabilities: an intelligent terminal; intelligent peripherals.
tel·e·gen·ic (tìl'ə-jìn'ĭk) adj.
Having a physical appearance and exhibiting personal qualities that are deemed highly appealing to television viewers: "Do we insist on a telegenic President?"
(William F. Buckley, Jr.)
--American Heritage Dictionary
Isn't Barack Obama intelegenic (both looks and smarts)?
JFK was called telegenic, since the Urban Dictionary wasb't around in the '60s