What is Intellectual Thug?
A new breed of thug. The "intellectual" thug if you will. This type of fellow wants to break free from the gangster-shoot em up, fuck this, fuck that, grab some bitches stereotype. He will try to impress you with his knowledge and skills in some area-usually music but sincerely emphasizes that he's not aiming to perpetuate the stereotype. The catch: he will still have the same agenda as said stereotypical thugs-get rich and famous and have the women and glamour and is sneakily trying to draw you in with a "no games, playing it real" philosophy.
You can recognize said "intellectual thug" in the first few moments of a conversation.
Girl walking by "intellectual thug"
IThug: "Excuse me sweetheart but I must be honest you are beautiful"
Girl: "Thanks"-continues walking
IThug: "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude just trying to share some wisdom with you. I'm not all about that typical stuff. I didn't mean to offend you"
Girl: initially surprised by politeness responds "it's fine"
IThug: "Whats your name?"
Girl: "insert name"-surprised by the lack of comments about body-becomes dazed and confused and is caught
IThug: "Well if i could just have a moment of your time, i'd like you to listen to something"- and then will go into either a rant about state of life and how he will change the world or will offer a sample of music, spoken word or some other art form, will acquire phone number and continue to play intellectual until comfort level established and then the sexual innuendos will commence