
What is Intergalactic?


Someone who like's their sugar with coffee and cream.

Yo check out those guys getting all intergalactic on that coffee

See coffee, cream, sugar, beastie boys, cup, BBQ



1) A word used to describe conversations in which men and women fail to communicate, not by being from different planets like Mars and Venus, but by being from entirely different galaxies!

2) The way a guy talks when he needs to be beat with the cluestick.

3) The way that all conversations between Harry and Sally were in the film "When Harry Met Sally."

4) The nature of most conversations with Rockzilla.

I f*ckin* still don't understand what you're trying to say to me, Sam Enoka. This conversation is so intergalactic, I may never get it!

See rockzilla, clueless, oblivious, cluestick, random


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