
What is Inter-gay?


a group of people who reside in the Lowermainland of B.C.

these people like to do things at their highschools such as

-have cardboard swordfights in the hallways

-dress up as pirates

-hug people of the same sex

-randomly talk to people they don't know (HATE that)

-change in the washroom with eachother

-go for a weeklong camping trip where the boys sleep with other men

-become friends with the losers of mainstream

-ruin the Bwing washroom for everyone else

-eat their lunch in their "safe environment", which is inside thier classrooms

-they like to make Bwing smell bad, but luckily the foods room covers up that smell

-play japanese drawing games

Male Inter-Gay#1: hey you wanna go dryhump eachother in the bwing washroom and make it smell like cheese?

Male Inter-Gay#2: ya sure but can we have sword fights in the hallway and read anime first?

Male Inter-Gay#1: oh of course. I love being in inter-gay

Male Inter-Gay#2: ME TOO! lets go.

Intergay1: hey i;m so glad we are allowed to eat in our classrooms so that the scary mainstreamers don't take our packd lunches.

Intergay2: ya, remember at camp when we boned?

Intergay1: of course, you wanna go ruin the bwing washroom

Intergay2: only if we can take before and after pictures!

See gay, mainstream, bumsex, loser


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