What is Interior Crocodile Alligator?


A viral videosensation showing what appears to be a National Geographic or Discovery Channel clip of an alligator set to the words "interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet, movie theater" repeating over and over. The video was originally posted on the somethingawful and WoWforums, and was subsequently Digged. Comparisons have been made to the Rick Rollin that a link to the somewhat annoying video is often posted under the guise of something completely different.

Prankster: "Check out this video of my new hybrid!"

Unsuspecting Victim: *Clicks Link* - "interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet movie theater"

Prankster: "What do you think?"

Unsuspecting Victim: "Damnit!"

See crocodile, alligator, rick roll, viral video, wow, chevrolet


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