
What is Interlingua?


Interlingua is an international auxiliary language based on the words that are common to the major West-European languages and on a simplified Anglo-Romance grammar. It was first published in 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association. Sometimes called Interlingua de IALA to distinguish it from the other uses of the word, it is the subject of the rest of this article.

Also Giuseppe Peano's Latino sine Flexione was originally called Interlingua but this denomination fell into disuse after the publication of IALA's Interlingua. Yet another constructed language is called Interlingue (formerly known as Occidental).

The word interlingua can also be a synonym for international auxiliary language. See also interlinguistics.

Finally, an interlingua can be an abstract intermediary language used in the machine translation of human languages.

Nostre Patre, qui es in le celos,

que tu nomine sia sanctificate;

que tu regno veni;

que tu voluntate sia facite

super le terra como etiam in le celo.

Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian,

e pardona a nos nostre debitas

como nos pardona a nostre debitores,

e non duce nos in tentation,

sed libera nos de malo.


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