What is International Caps Lock Apreciation Day?
may 29th is the "International Caps Lock Apreciation Day"
On this day it is custom for everyone typing over the internet to use as much capital letters as humanly possible.
this day stemmed from the over use of capital letters in forums to the extent that someone declared that they should save it all for "International Caps Lock Apreciation Day" (which they had made up on the spot) when asked for a date, May 29th was given and so began the reign of the Caps Lock.
Channel spammer: DUDE! I LIEK ROXXORZ!!
Admin: save it for ICLAD man, save it for ICLAD.
Channel spammer: LIEK WTF< STFU N00B!!!11!
*Channel spammer has been Kicked (Save it for ICLAD)
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