
What is Internetual?


Internetual: anything reffering or pertaining to the internet.

Usually used as an adjective to describe a noun.

Example 1: Internetual culture

Example 2: Internetual habbits

Example 3: Internetual sex

Example 1:

Arcangel: Dude, I met this hawt girl online. Shes bosnian too.

JaJa: Wow, your such a noob. Probally met her on wow you sexual predator.

Arcangel: Nooo, it was on a lesbian chat room. I showed her my thingy and she showed me hers. She was very sexual enducing.

JaJa: I voted for no underage Internetual Sex. You queerdo, thats just wrong.

Example 2:

Det. Stabler: Olivia we gotta crack this mofo down, I heard he's an internetual sex predator.

Det. Benson: Oh noes, call a hacker team to the scene of the crime and have them do a search for him

Det. Stabler: For that, we need his alias.

Det. Benson: His alias is "ArcAngel99"

Det. Stabler: Got it, thanks.

See internet, nedim, cz, noob, sex, queerdo


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