Intimid8er's Law

What is Intimid8er's Law?


Similar to the thesis of Godwin's Law, but with the exception of reference to Nazi's, feces is the centerpiece.

Simply put: All threads on a discussion board, given enough time and space, will eventually lead to scatological references and or bodily functions.

A well timed placement of a scat reference can oftentimes, inject new life into a thread, as those that can't resist a good "poop joke" or some good "poop talk", pile on to the conversation and add their wit of shit.

An example of Intimid8er's Law would be as follows. During a flame war on a discussion board. A member chimes in with a post along the lines of "Well, this thread has gone in the shitter!"

See feces, poop, shit, scatological, scat


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