
What is I.o.y.i.?


combination of "i.o.u." and "f.y.i."

1. -Literally, "I owe you information." Similar to i.o.u. or i.o.u.1

-Roughly, "I'll get back to you."

2. Roughly, "I have to tell you this." Could be derogatory, similar to f.y.i.


-"Dude, thanks for telling me she cheated on me. i.o.y.i."

-"I don't know what we're doing tonight. i.o.y.i."


-"Man... i.o.y.i... that asshat is going to fire you."

-(Insult) "Oh and i.o.y.i., that white dress does make you look fat, which would matter if you weren't dumb as a doorknob."

See i.o.u., f.y.i.


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