What is Ipon?
when a bitch is so dumb that when she's on her period, she doesn't have a tampon or maxi-pazzle, so she is forced to stick her ipod (likely nano) up her twat-cha-ma-call-it to stop the bleeding, just like a tampon. get it already? not only does this method not work, but it ruins da ipod.
dumb-bitch1: lordy, i'm about to start my dot.
dumb-bitch2: you mean period?
dumb-bitch1: of course that's what i meant. you dumb b*tch!
dumb-bitch2: well you better have a tampon
dumb-bitch1: dang, i only have one. and it's used.
dumb-bitch2: just use your ipod as an ipon
dumb-bitch1: this just might work!
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