
What is Iraq?


A country that, while liberated by the 'shoot first' phase, is rapidly deteriorating during the 'ask questions later' phase.


In Biblical times, known as Erech. The name Iraq is a modernized spelling of "Uruk", an ancient city state in ancient Summeria.

After the collapse of the Ottoman (Turkish)empire, Europe carved up international boundaries and in the course of restructuring had created the modern country of "Iraq". Doomed to failure from the start, this artificially-created country was home to many disparate ethnicities and religions. Internal conflict was inevitable.

The rise of the Baath party (and its inevitable fall at the hands of the American-led coalition) was a response to this conflict.

There is no single language spoken in Iraq. Standard Arabic is most commonly used with Kurdish, Turkmen, Assyrian and Farsi spoken by a minority of the population.

"Iraq is considered the birthplace of civilization: Home to first city "Ur" and the birthplace of writing (in the form of clay tablets written in cuneiform.)

Iraq is also the birthplace of many of the ancient middle-eastern civilizations: Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian etc.


Place George Bush decided to attack for several reasons.

1. It's in the Middle East.

2. His dad had already tried and failed to get rid of Saddam.

3. He's a crap president, and war detracts attention from this

Supposedly in posession of super-powerful WoMDs, which as of yet have not been found.

The people of Iraq don't seem too happy about being 'liberated'

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a country the US is committed to liberating, even if they have to kill every last man, woman and child in it to do it.

The people of Iraq were given freedom. They chose to elect the same type of radical muslim filth they always do, so the US had to liberate them again. This time they kept on liberating them until they were all dead.


A place where Americans are dying, because they never should have been there.

cause of death: Iraq.


The 53rd state of America after Britian


The only Middle-Eastern country that Americans can locate on a map. This is because Americans are ignorant to anything that doesn't involve them.

Son: Wow, pa, I know where Iraq is!

Father: Shut up and finish eating your grits.


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