Iraqi Prisoner Abuse

What is Iraqi Prisoner Abuse?


Proof that the United States government has no right whatsoever to take any kind of moral stance on middle eastern affairs, especially where human rights are involved. Prisoner abuse at the hands of American soldiers has been going on for years - as said so by Rummy Don himself - and the government did next to nothing to stop it. And when The Shrub and his monkeys got caught with their pants down, they didn't even have the humility to apologize and admit their failures until Rummy Don was called in to testify in front of Congress for being a witless fuckup.

But every cloud has a silver lining. In this case, The Shrub's re-election prospects aren't looking too positive and Old Man Rummy may get the boot. Now that's something I can drink to.

Condemn Saddam for torturing and dehumanizing his people, but get caught on film laughing it up while doing the exact same thing? Great idea, dumbass.


The act of treating your enemy like they treat you.

Jeff: "Dude, why are you going to let him get away with nailing your girl?"

Bill: "Don't worry man, he is going to get some Iraqi Prisoner Abuse for that."

Jeff: "Damn! And his girl does it all too!"

See iraq, iraqi, prison, torture


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