
What is Irl?


Abbreviation for "In Real Life." Often used in internet chat rooms to let people you are talking about something in the real world and not in the internet world. Also can be used to differentiate between an actor/actress and the character they play.

"I totally hate that guy IRL!" (Internet)

"I fucked that whore IRL!" (Internet)

"He/she does not live in New York IRL." (Actor/Actress)


A great game, it's 100% pvp, best graphics ever, free until u turn 18 and then u get pwned by hax0rs called "da government" and they steal ur munies frum u til u so poor

but it's mostly a great game to play

OMG i just quit WoW to play irl!

See hax0r, wow, in real life, pvp, graphics


In Real Life - Something people who have such a thing say on the Internet to irritate those of us who do not. These three letters send the average geek loner into a nostalgic flashback of better times in their childhood.

"I'm talking about my friends IRL not you, loser."

"I wish I could attract members of the opposite sex IRL."

"Do you think we'll ever meet IRL?"

See Justin


worst game ever

i cant believe i quit Wow to play irl!

See in, real, life, irl, idk


In real life

Wow...that girl is really

See Anonymous


"in real life"

the last line of defense for someone whose pride has been crushed online. refers to the fact that life offline matters more and invariably resorted to in all online arguments between strangers because it cant really be proven whether you are in fact the varsity-squad ladies man you claim to be or whether you are a total loser and reject who is still horrible at the internet

gamer 1: haha you fucking noob look at your stats youre fucking 30%

gamer 2: IRL IRL get a LIFE you 33 year old LOOSER

gamer 1: i have a girlfriend and i bench 245, fag

gamer 2: ROOFLES ya right i bet youre 12 years old have you ever kissed a girl. i have a girlfriend and bench 300. im fucking varisty football and i get more pussy than youll ever see, FAG. go play some more video games


on warcraft III lordaeron LIGHTKNIGHT6969/LK6969 would be an example of a winner IRL and online, while bei would be a total loser IRL and a dominating machine online. then there's the other 96% of bnet who have never touched a girl or played a decent game


A joke of a league that runs "dumbed down" races and continues to betray the "vision" with which it was sold to it's fans.

The IRL get's lower TV ratings on ABC that a test pattern.

See Jebus


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