I/s Regulars

What is I/s Regulars?


The most common people that lurk the ever-popular message board on Neopets. (Ideas/Suggestions)

Some of these people include Pavel (king), Fluffy (queen) Bridget, Alex, Lauren, Zaf, Andrew, Chained, Dragon, and MANY others.

These people can kick your arse. (:

n00b: omgz twilight!11!11!!!1!!1ONE!!1!

(I/S Regulars)

Pavel: That book is entirely overrated.

Fluffy: *insert phrase of pwnage here*


Chained: Heh, that book is an excellent source of *insert clever pun here*

n00b: ):

See neopets, i/s, boards, n00bs, Kim Kardashian


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