
What is I/ser?



fwee: i/s god

nora: i/s scene kid

misti: i/s weirdo

sess: i/s stupid

stevo&alae&zaf: i/s mexican

fluffy: i/s mullet

star: i/s boring

choco: i/s negro

lauren: i/s lesbian

pavel: i/s ginger freako

rina: ???

person&elizabeth: i/s anorexicz

daphne: i/s abandonr

chandler: i/s man/woman

~by nora~

sess: hey im addicted to pills!

nora: shut up ur so stupid

misti: tee-hee *flashes every1*

stevo: *tacklehug*

dessy: im an i/ser

See i/s, is, i/ser, horrid, slut, whore, nora, mullet, great, ginger, lesbian, scene, weirdo, negro, mexi


An active user of the Ideas/Suggestions neoboard of Neopets.

This person uses this neoboard MORE than the other neoboards. This person would even consider I/S as their online home. A true I/Ser would not make a big deal about how popular they are, how many best friends they have on the neoboard, and would respect all other users on the neoboard unless the person is being rude, inappropriate or annoying to them JUST because they are probably jealous of how much attention the I/Ser gets. There are many types of I/Sers. Some I/Sers go on everyday all day. Some of them go on once a week, once a month, a couple of times a year but they always go on I/S for a revisit most of the time and not some other LAME neoboard. I/Ser is basically someone who MOSTLY goes on I/S and they don't always have to be well-known there but they usually are for some reason. But I/Sers don't call themselves I/Sers because it is cocky and rude and everyone has a chance to become great friends with everyone on I/S but they ARE known as I/Sers...

Many people would probably not even agree with this definition because they probably want more attention and want some sort of power at I/S or they just don't like me or don't like anything I am saying but what I am saying is the truth, the origin of the word because most people don't remember how the neoboards used to be and now they think they can act whatever way they want and rule the boards and that is not being an I/Ser. I am just simply reinstating the truth behind the whole thing.

If you want an example of I/Sers, look at the neoboard yourself and figure it out on your own because things are always changing, people always come and leave so you will never know who is an active user of the I/S neoboard.

See i/s, i/ser, neopets


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