
What is Ishbu?


slang for shit

Ayo when you gonna take down that ishbu? shit

See ish, shit, thing, object, crap


ISHBU pronounced ish boo

that guy who works behind the coutner at any of the following


7 11


name a gas station

two 4(store 24)

They also seem to monopolize these places:


neighborhood markets

yo i forgot my ID and ishbu wont give me my cigs

See indian, paki, iranian, stupid


Most commonly associated with Fifi and Mommy Wuffles. Living with Fifis, tall, odd, and has strage dents in one eye. Occasionaly seen making a spectalcle of himself in celebrations for young ones, clingign to wufflesmaking loud noises.

Also a slang term for a young creature seen over time with Fifi.

Ishbu gave him a dollar so he could come visit Fifi.


stoner matt

why you ask for my pants? i already gave them to you!

See gibbler


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