
What is Islam?


a monotheistic religion in which the supreme deity is Allah (God, the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews) and the chief prophet and founder is Mohammed. followers of Islam are called Muslims.

Today there are about 1 billion followers of Islam around the world, representing many different races, ethnic groups, nationalities, and political persuasions.


Islam does not mean "peace" But "Submition" .

Peace in arabic = Salam

Islam in arabic = Islam

And Islam is the biggest growing religion in the world.

Islam = Submitting your self to God.


A religion that is in desperate need of a Renaissance or Age of Enlightenment. Islam is a religion that shares the same beliefs and core foundations of Judaism and Christianity, but affirms that Muhammad is the final Prophet of God. Muslims are not bad people, but Islam never had a renaissance (similar to the Protestant Reformation in Christianity) and Muslims need to rethink about the way they deal with the rest of Humanity. Muslims are overall nice and kind people and many muslims are now changing the way they approach Islam. Many muslims (myself included) realize that all religions are personal faiths and that ISLAM NEEDS TO BE TREATED AS A PERSONAL FAITH AND NOT A POLITICAL DOCTRINE. Peace at home and Peace in the world!

We are secular Muslims, and secular persons of Muslim societies. We are believers, doubters, and unbelievers, brought together by a great struggle, not between the West and Islam, but between the free and the unfree.

We affirm the inviolable freedom of the individual conscience. We believe in the equality of all human persons.

We insist upon the separation of religion from state and the observance of universal human rights.

We find traditions of liberty, rationality, and tolerance in the rich histories of pre-Islamic and Islamic societies. These values do not belong to the West or the East; they are the common moral heritage of humankind.

We see no colonialism, racism, or so-called “Islamaphobia” in submitting Islamic practices to criticism or condemnation when they violate human reason or rights.

We call on the governments of the world to

reject Sharia law, fatwa courts, clerical rule, and state-sanctioned religion in all their forms; oppose all penalties for blasphemy and apostacy, in accordance with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights;

eliminate practices, such as female circumcision, honor killing, forced veiling, and forced marriage, that further the oppression of women; protect sexual and gender minorities from persecution and violence;

reform sectarian education that teaches intolerance and bigotry towards non-Muslims;

and foster an open public sphere in which all matters may be discussed without coercion or intimidation.

A woman should be free to dress modestly as she please, to wear a headscarf if she chooses. She should not be forced to veil against her own free will.

We demand the release of Islam from its captivity to the totalitarian ambitions of power-hungry men and the rigid strictures of orthodoxy.

We enjoin academics and thinkers everywhere to embark on a fearless examination of the origins and sources of Islam, and to promulgate the ideals of free scientific and spiritual inquiry through cross-cultural translation, publishing, and the mass media.

We say to Muslim believers: there is a noble future for Islam as a personal faith, not a political doctrine;

to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha’is, and all members of non-Muslim faith communities: we stand with you as free and equal citizens;

and to nonbelievers: we defend your unqualified liberty to question and dissent.

Before any of us is a member of the Umma, the Body of Christ, or the Chosen People, we are all members of the community of conscience, the people who must chose for themselves.

See muslims, allah, secular islam, muhammad, arab


Derived from arabic roots meaning 'peace' and 'submission to God'. Those who follow islam and submit to God (known on arabic as Allah) are known as muslims(note the small 'm').

Someone who calls themselves a Muslim (big 'M') may or may not follow Islam in the same way that someone who calls themselves a Christian may or maynot follow the teachings of Christ.

Followers of islam take their guidance from the Qu'ranwhich is believed to be the word of God and also from hadith - which are trusted stories about the guidance that one of the prophets (Muhammed) gave.

This is like Christians taking guidance from the gospels - stories about what Jesus (another prophet in Islam) taught.

You cannot be a muslim if you don't believe in all the prophets God sent including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and many others (25 are named in the Quran but we are told there were thousends).

Muslims have lived peacefully in the UK for centuries. An 8th century anglo-saxon kings produced coins in the declaring in arabic 'there is none worthy of worship but God' (the islamic declararion of faith). The first English translation of the Qu'ran was written in 1649 and the office of national statistics records a Mosque in cardiff in 1860.

related words:

Islamic is something relating to Islam.

Islamist is a made up word that muslims never use. It implies a radical form of behaviour that deviates from the teachings of Islam and is used when the media and politicians want to say islamic-terrorist and think that us mere mortals will be fooled by their clever twist of language.

See T


a lot of definitions have been made about islam, some true, others well.. not so much.

let's get a few things straight:

1) Islam does NOT promote killing of non muslims, in fact one of my favorite passages in the Quran states: ("I worship not that which you worship, Nor will you worship that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your religion, and to me my religion") Which basically means that Allah is telling his Prophet not to argue with the disbelievers but leave them alone.

2) Just because people are muslim doesn't mean they are terrorists, so you can stop glaring at them or treating them like scum, because that is racism. We don't live to bomb America or to kill everyone, we really don't care about America, the media spews out the most horrible propganda, the people you see on the news bombing planes and cars are NOT MUSLIM!! WHY? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BE MUSLIM IF YOU KILL SOMEONE!! KILLING SOMEONE, ANYONE IS LIKE DENOUNCING YOUR FAITH IN ISLAM.

3) Again - our reason for living is NOT to bomb America - have you ever read anywhere in the Quran that we should kill people because they are not muslim/are american?? NO! CAUSE IT AIN'T TRUE!!!

4) Just because I am muslim does not mean I can't be friends with Jews or Christians or Buddhists or whatever, or that I have to hate all other religions!! A story about the Prophet Mohammed tells: The Prophet (pbuh) was passing a Jewish funeral and he stopped to pay his respects. When reminded that the person being buried was a Jew, Mohammed replied, "He is still human though." He showed the value given to humankind in Islam. And once, Islamic troops took a city and began killing the children, but the Prophet Mohammed stopped them. When they told him the people in this city were infidels, he reminded them that they themselves had all been infidels until recently."

5) Not all muslims are weirdo wahabbi followers, those people are misled and ignorant; For example, the Wahabbis are taught by rote that Jews are subhumans who should be killed as a religious duty. In contrast, the Hadith explains that the prophet Mohammed honored Jews, married a Jewish wife, forbade forced conversions of Jews, always bowed in respect when a Jewish funeral passed, and promised that good and faithful Jews would go to Paradise just as good Muslims and Christians would, and that the Jews would have their Holy Place in the west (meaning Jerusalem) while Muslims would have their Holy Place in the East (meaning Mecca).

So get the facts straight, racism is so uncool, you keep preaching against racism but at the same time you are opressing muslims for their beliefs.

Me: Islam doesnt promote all that horrible stuff so getchar facts straight before you start giving muslims dirty looks at the airport! it hurts!

Smart person: Sure will

See muslim, moslem, quran, koran, prophet, muhammed, mohammed, religion, love, peace, coexist


1. A pretty cool religion that supported Science, Philosophy, and woman's rights but which was given a bad name by some very messed up fundamentalists who abused and bastardized it.

2. A monotheistic religion which has been a target of religious hatred because of roughly %0.01 of its population.

A Muslim is a follower of Islam.

See islam, muhammad, muslim


islam does not mean "peace" islam means "submission"

The Arabic term 'islam means "submission" and itself comes from the term 'aslama, which means "to surrender, resign oneself." In Islam, the fundamental duty of each member is to submit to "Allah" (Arabic for "the God" which was Hubel the god that the family of Muhammad worshiped) and whatever Allah wants of them.

See submission, surrender, submit


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