What is Islamic Fundamentalist?


Islamic Fundamentalists are Muslimswho believe that The Qur'anshould be used as a guide to take over the world in the name of Islam.

Islamic Fundamentalists or Islamismis when all the world is run off:

1. Islamic political systems

2. Islamic legal systems

3. Islamic economic systems

3. Islamic social values systems

This is all based around The Qur'anor Sharia Law. Despite the The Koran being plagiarised off The Bible, it is truly a disgusting system that in today's society has many women raped and killed. See Muslimah.

Islamic Fundamentalists are Muslimswho want one thing. World Power. World Dominance and everything that comes with it. Basically an Islamic Fundamentalist is a Muslim that has lived in the stone-age all their life and is now suffering for it, but now wants to control the world even though they barely know how to control a sheep herd. See terrorists.

Islamic Fundamentalists want to bring the world back into a stone-age way where instead of governments running the world, the Islamic Faith will run the world in every aspect of the way.

Islamic Fundamentalists is just another word for communism mixed with a religion that was stolen and then perverted and changed to suit a pedophile who called himself The Prophet Muhammad. See Mecca-Colafor more Islamic thieving!

Islamic Fundamentalists hate any non-believers and will have them killed at first chance, as they are rewarded in their XXX-rated-heaven at the day of judgement for killing as many non-believers as possible. See Religious Imperialism or Religiousization.

Islamic Fundamentalists are refugeesthat come into civilized countries acting most uncivilized.

Islamic Fundamentalists are dirty refugeesthat believe in The Muslim Brotherhood, that Islamic law will be made compulsory all over the world. There will be no choice and obedience is demanded, or death will quickly follow.

Islamic Fundamentalists are Nazi styled dictators who want to take away freedom of choice and free will from developed nations and their people.

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini got his wish and made an Islamic Republic of Iran that is based off The Koran in every aspect of life for a Islamic Fundamentalist. Presently in Iran there is wide spread poverty, aids epidemic, drug epidemic, wars, corruption, population bursts through the Ayatollah banning condoms and then changing his mind and bringing them back, and this is but a few!

Islamic Fundamentalists have no idea what their doing and many people have died and are suffering at the hands of a misrepresented Satanic book called The Koran.

If Islamic Fundamentalists got their way our world would resemble Iran or Lebanon, a complete shithole of disaster and confusion with widespread death, chaos and devastation.

Islamic Fundamentalists take away civil rights and civil laws and replace it with evil The Koran.

Islamic Fundamentalists reject men and women as equals and accept that a man has the right to beat a woman but not break her bones unless many attempts have been made to help beat the shit out of her!!! See emotionally raped or wife beaters.

Islamic Fundamentalists reject that the Mosque and State can be separated. They believe whatever happens in the Mosque ripples through the state and it's politics. Mosque and State Affairs of a country are the same. In other words the Church runs the country.

Islamic Fundamentalists reject that any Muslim that saves their soul to become a Christian, or moves away from being a Muslim must be swiftly killed. If you are born a Muslim there is no choice but to stay a Muslim unless you want to be executed. See emotionally raped.

Islamic Fundamentalists at this stage are allowing non-muslims in western countries to live, but in time they believe either we will submit to their evil or have our heads hacked off with a blunt sword!

Islamic Fundamentalists are vile Muslims that should be sued for plagiarising The Bible and turning it into Satan's filth. Bible was done 3,000 years ago while Koran was done practically yesterday in the 7th century!

See refugees, the prophet muhammad, mecca-cola, terrorists, burka, burqa, hijab, indonesia, bali, the qur'an, qu'ran, muslims, muslim, koran, islamism, mohammed


The radical belief in Islam. Islamic fundamentalists are, in reality, no more dangerous than any other radical follower of a different ideology.

Not all muslims are fundamentalists, in fact only a small percentage of muslims around the world could be considered such.

Al-Queda and the Taliban are both examples of Islamic Fundamentalist organizations.

See islam, fundamentalism, taliban, radicalism


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