Isn't It

What is Isn't It?


Put simply, "isn't it" is the most diabolical phrase in the history of man kind.

For ages, young students around the globe have dreamt in fear of such a thing. The mere thought of such a thing, is but the torched pain of an erect penis chopped in two. What more could be so terrifying?

The phrase "isn't it" has been a phrased passed down from generation-to-generation within the Iyer family (who are known for their devout loyalty to the Curry gods).

Be wary my friends, such a term can not be used so lightly - not even in a friendly gesture. Respect the Iyer Family. Respect her Wisdom. Respect Iyerism.

Yes, Jimmy, that would be very foolish, isn't it?

See Jeff


the two words most used by iyer. they express nothing but are extremely hilarious and very nice to count. she says a very lot of "isn't it"s everyday, but it is considered almost impossible for her to say two "isn't it"s in one sentence.

We took the test yesterday, isn't it?

It's on the paper, isn't it?

See Brandon


pisstake when around chav types - see innit

"Check that Nova SRI it's got alloy wheels isn't it, an oversize back box isn't it and that black cling film allover the windows so you have to wind them down so people can see your Burberry baseball cap isn't it"


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