
What is Israeli?


1) To act with extreme compassionless and honorless agression in order to completely dominate an obviously much weaker opponent.

2) To act without any sense or reason other than to inflict pain and suffering on others for your own sadistic pleasure.

1) Issac was known for his hatred of household pests. One day when he went to get a snack, he opened the cupboard door and found a mouse in the cupboard staring back at him eating one of his ritz crackers. Instead of setting a trap like everyone else, he went completely israeli and took out his Glock 17, and emptied his clip full of jacketed hollowpoints in to the cupboard and the mouse.

2) David got home from a long day of school and found his young 4 year old stepbrother coloring on his metallica CD. Rather than scold the boy, David went israeli on his ass and broke the childs arm.

3) Headbanger 1 - "Fuck dude, that guy with the Cradle of Filth shirt was savage in the mosh pit.

Headbanger 2) - "Fuck savage man, he went israeli in that pit... he broke a guys arm, and someone nose, then licked the blood off his hand..."

4) When Mike Tyson went to jail for rape, people just dropped the soap when they were told, because they feared that Mr. Tyson would go israeli if they refused him.

See sadism, savage, psychotic, brutal, overkill, violence, death


Someone who lives in someone elses backyard and then claims it as their own.

Palestinian: Yo, kike, get your ass outta my backyard!

Israeli: Nope, I'm having it and your lawnmower too!

Palestinian: Fuck you!

See jew, kike, yid, yiddish, judaism, palestinian, insurgent, terrorist, muslim


The worst race you will ever come across, people who take joy in taking away palestinian land and killing them everyday claiming that they are fighting for what is 'rightfully' meant for them.

Those who not kill, but masacure the palestinian race and claim that the palestinians are terrorist (for what? protecting their own land?)

anyway israelis will never admit that they are wrong. When 200 Palestinian people die, no one seems to notice, when one israeli person gets injured, we will not here the end of it, as they advertise it on the news to show that the palestinians are bad people.

bottom line... israelis can go fuck themselves!

Haha fucking israeli.

Man this israeli guy kept begging me for a lower price on a sale! what a fucking cheap jew!

See israeli, jew, cheap, peter


A race equivilent to everything badass; gets hate from pretty much everyone, but doesnt really care.

Arab: "you suck"

Israeli: "screw you" then walks away, not caring anymore

See cool, badass, amazing, israel, best


Israelis are a multi-racial people that are either so by religion, or ethnic background, that live in the modern nation of Israel. Ancient Israel was a nation the Romans destroyed in 70 AD. There never has been a nation called Palestine. There have always been Asiatic Jews living in the Middle East. Not all Israelis are descended from European Jews, although Israel was recreated after the Holocaust of WW2, for Jewish people that lived around the world, in many nations. The turmoil between Arabs and Israelis goes all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael, half brothers that the Arabs and Jews descended from. Sibbling rivalry at it's worst.

Israelis and Arabs are both Semitic.

See JD


1-A citizen of the State of Israel.

2- Slang Term to descrive a really cool or awesome person sabra

Damn, that Israeli chica is mad hott!


1. (adj) used to describe a person whose retaliation is meant to permanently deter further attacks against them, key word is "permanently".

2. (military sense adj) used to describe a military force that despite overwhelming odds, somehow manages to pull a devastating victory out of their ass usually by some technological advantage.

3. (adj) used to describe an attack with extreme precision

4. (noun) a person-- Muslim, Jew, Arab or Christian--who lives in a county about the size of your backyard, has the highest accredited PhD per capita in the world, where everything seems to randomly get blown up by Palestinians, and everyone serves in the military.

1. After Abdul accidentally killed Ahmad's goat, Ahmad went all Israeli and killed all of Abdul's goats ensuring that Adbul and everyone else got the point not to fuck with Ahmad's goats.

2. "Did you hear about that unit in Iraq? They had like five guys and in Israeli fashion managed to annihilate a force of 120 Iraqi insurgents."

"Yea, probably cause our guys had rotary cannons while they had a couple of AK's"

3. "Bob, I don't understand how you made that bulls-eye especially since it's pitch black out and that target is over a mile away."

"Ah true Israeli style, Jebudaya.

4. "Hey Kazim, did you hear about the watermelon bomb our Palestinian friends used on the Israelis?"

"Oh great so they reduced their cause to a lethal food fight, yes yaseer, I did hear."


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