
What is Issue?


revenge, or payback. This form originated in South East Louisiana.

Oh, that boy shot my cousin?! He gon get his issue!


a problem,(a colloquialism)

I had an issue with the control panel.

See beef, colloquial, politics, religion


A ridiculously hot woman

Check out that issue or

She's a real issue or

I'd love to get across that issue or

(in a club packed full of hot women) This place is issue central!

See hot, good looking, woman, sexy, beautiful


a hypodermic syringe full of the user's drug of choice.

I feel like doing a big issue right now.

Traci and Kim were sitting there, doing their issues.

See rig, slammer, dropper, pin, dose, needle, syringe, bagwhore


used in tha south means an ounce of coke

u gonna cop that issue

See MJ


Something that is really good.

This bud is the issue.


Synonym for the interrogative phrase "are you".

"Issue gone hit that or what, niggah?


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