What is Italian Victory Salute?


Verb. To dramatically lift the middle finger while refraining from lifting the index, middle, ring, thumb, or pinky fingers. This is also commonly known as 'Flipping Off', 'Giving the bird', 'Flashing Your Sign', or 'Giving the finger'. First introduced by the French longbowmen in the middle ages. It was known that longbowmen needed their middle finegr to fire arrows at the enemy. Essentially, they 'Flipped Off' their enemy, a derisive way of proving that they can still kill them. It still works today even! It is, in a rounabout way, a simple way of saying 'Fuck You, I can still kill you.' Of course, it is not called the 'French Victory Salute' for the same fact that the French have no victory songs, and their victory flag is a white picture on a white background with a white border.

'Shut up or I'll give you my Italian Victory Salute!'

See flipping the bird


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