Ivan Chao

What is Ivan Chao?


an ivan chao is a strange creature bestowed upon this planet, he enjoys the strange hobbies of Ass-kissing and self photography.

once threatened with his life, he will run to his nearest gay friend and start leaching off his ass.

Telling stories which are not true are his specialality as well as calling each class his "Gang"

Hiding in fear, this is where you'll find him.

his head is the size of a soft ball, great for hitting with a bat.

Ivan chao likes to kiss my kung-foo-poo


ivan chao ith a veri thekthi creature, very erotic. I like hith photographth he taketh and i like all hith rap thongth on hith really kool album...have u theen hith clotheth? they are tho thekthi, i mean theriouthli! pink ith tho hot on him! him and hith tite atthh cargoeth are tho hot! i like hith bedroom too, ith got pink wallpaper! ooo dun forget, i am tho jealouth of joshth, ivan theemth to like him more dan he liketh me...*Thighth...*

i hate ivan he's gay...


basically, ivan chao is a fucking pussy with 1 ball and no dick. he talks heapz of shit n eats alota dick. when i find him im going to kill him. he lives in ringwood... i swear he's a dead cunt...


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