J Cat

What is J Cat?


(Prison/Jail Term) Any person who is mentally unstable or requires psyche drugs to maintain.

That fool over there talking to himself, walking like a chicken is a J Cat.

See lames, nacks, saps, useless


Otherwise known as "Category J" in the California Penal Code, it refers to an inmate deemed too mentally unstable to remain in General Population.

"Motherfucker went J Cat on someone in the yard; now he's in ADSEG."

See 5150, loco, crazy, insane


An individual who is looped up on psychiatric medications.

That girl's a j cat.

See Doug


A person who does not follow through on something that they said they would do.or they fake on something that was planned out...

Maurice is a j cat because he didn't show up to the party like he said he would.

See flake, lier, bitch, sucka, pussy


origin; bay area, california. 1)a person who is considered a fag or gay by their peers. 2)someone who is considered to be an idiot. 3) an irritating person

That guy over there that just ran over the curb is a j cat.

He wanted to see your penis? He must be a j cat!

Why is he trying to be so hard? Look at this j cat.

See gay, fag, j-cat, j


a punk ass person who is hella generic

that fool redskin is a straight up j cat!


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