Jackson Pollock

What is Jackson Pollock?


1. American Abstract Expressionist Painter

2. A Sexual Act in which a male ejaculates over a partner's face or chest. A variant of this act involves turning around after ejaculation and passing gas in close proximity to the ejaculated area or the partner's nose.

She's such an unpleasant person; I hope she gets a Jackson Pollock tonight!

See abstract expressionism


this is derived from an artistic style which was used by pollock. While your significant other is sleeping you jizz sporadically all over their face and upper extremities. thus creating a form of art similar to that of jackson pollock

i jackson pollocked all over my exs face

See kevo


1. n. An influential American abstract expressionist painter (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956)

2. v. A sexual act in which a male ejaculates onto his partner. Unlike pearl necklaces, jackson pollocks aren't restricted to specific areas of the body. see bukkake.

3. v. An offensive act meant to degrade the receiving party. Literally referring to ejaculation. Most commonly used to burn someone's game.

4. n. Jackson Pollock(s) - Cockney, or Modern Rhyming Slang for bollocks. (used predominantly in the U.K.)


A: "You tryna chill today b?"

B: "Nah, I got this paper to write on Jackson Pollock."


- "Last night I Jackson Pollocked all over my girl, and it was soooooo gooood."

- Jim was about just to cum when Jane asked if he would Jackson Pollock on her titties.


A: "Do you like my new hair cut (/fresh tattoo/ masterpiece painting/bougie designer wear) ?"

B: "I could Jackson Pollock all over that shit it would look better."


-"He needs a good kick in the Jacksons"

-"Bleedin' Jackson Pollocks... That's jacked up, mate."

See also, "Who the *$&% Is Jackson Pollock?" by Harry Moses 2006

See cum, bukkake, pearl necklace, sex, cockney, art, abstract expressionism, cumshot, facial, wanking, wanker, jack off, fuck you, fuck off, bollocks


1. n. An artist whose style is characterized by his method of throwing paint at a canvas in a seemingly random manner.; 2. v. to ejaculate forcefully on the face of another.

Though I do not appreciate the formless methods he employs, Jackson Pollock is exceptionally creative in his methods.

Dude, I totally jackson pollocked jenny last night.

See artist, art, cumshot, facial


To vomit. Named after the expressionist painter whose works look rather like multi-coloured spew. Used in Red Dwarf by Kryten.

I think I feel a Jackson Pollock coming on - Kryten, Red Dwarf.

See vomit, puke, spew, jackson, pollock


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