
What is Jakeum?


A Jakeum is morsel of candy likened to marshmallow peeps, except these are in the shape of the mythical creature the world knows as Jake. A short, stocky, boy shape, with a disgruntled expression painted on the face, and a black spot on the top of its head to represent "Jake's" awkward haircut.

A mere squeezing of the Jakeum’s round belly results in a loud, high-pitched squeak of desperation.

The main feature that distinguishes a Jakeum from a peepis that rather then being coated in sugar, this marshmallow treat is coated in salt.

"I bought my girlfriend a box of Jakeums for Valentines Day, and she went into hypertensive crisis and stroked out after eating three of them."

See jakeum, peep, peeps, candy, marshmallow


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