
What is Jamesway?


As noun - Defunct department store known for its impecible corduroy pants and zip binders, appealing to even the most fastidious grammer scholar. It was erroneous.

As verb - 1.To go bankrupt, or go be subject to long and arduous process of obtaining a certz mintz. (In the sense of bankrupcy, its usage likes that of "chapter elevened.")

2. The precocious development of a progamete into one or many spermatoza. The resulting spermatoza thinks he is hot shit and tries to woo the ovule with his long rat tale and alcohol abuse. He is many times granted the epithet The "Bruise-ster/Bruised-her" Brewster, or in scientific nomenclature The "Polythoiester" Brewster

"Lil' Bin keeps goin n gitting her nails did n'had to jamesway after her hub left her in search of certz mintz. Por eso, ha jameswido tambien.

My girlfriend Tammy and I went 2 Jamesway cuz we needed some quality zip binders. I bought her many because we can't make spermatoza good. I jamesway.


That boy is a cold hard killer. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was completely emotionally jameswayed.

See david blaine, torch, fire, sex, buttholes, discharge


As noun - Defunct department store known for its impecible corduroy pants and zip binders, appealing for even the most fastidious grammer scholar. It was erroneous.

As verb - 1.To go bankrupt, or go be subject to long and arduous process of obtaining a certz mintz. (In the sense of bankrupcy, its usage likes that of "chapter elevened."

2. The precocious development of a progamete into one or many spermatoza. The resulting spermatoza thinks he is hot shit and is thus more commonly dubbed "James 'The Bruise-ter' Brewster," the more scientific epithet being Jay "The Thioester" Brewster.

"Aren't you cold James Brewster?"

"Nah man fuck that, all I need is my cigarette and my vest."


"Lil' Binski keeps goin n gitting her nails did n' dun had to jamesway after his wife left him in search of certz mintz. Por eso, ha jameswido tambien.

See jamesway, brewster, mintz, certs, mints, cigarette, vest, wife, porn


To be emotionally bankrupt; cordorouy pants.

I bought some Jamesway's at my local cordorouy store.

I lost my pants and now I'm so Jamesway'd.

See pants, emotions, sadness, Jamesway


As noun - Defunct department store known for its impecible corduroy pants and zip binders, appealing for even the most fastidious grammer scholar. It was erroneous.

As verb - 1.To go bankrupt, or go be subject to long and arduous process of obtaining a certz mintz. (In the sense of bankrupcy, its usage likes that of "chapter elevened.")

2. The precocious development of a progamete into one or many spermatoza. The resulting spermatoza thinks he is hot shit and tries to woo the ovule with his long rat tale and alcohol abuse. He is many times granted the epithet J. Bruise-ster/Bruised-her Brewster, or in scientific nomenclature J. "Polythoiester" Brewster

"Lil' Binski keeps goin n gitting her nails did n' dun had to jamesway after his wife left him in search of certz mintz. Por eso, ha jameswido tambien.

My girlfriend Tammy and I went 2 Jamesway cuz we needed some quality zip binders. I bought her many because we cannot make good babies, as I jamesway constantly.


That boy is a cold hard killer. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was completely emotionally jameswayed.

See jamesway


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