Japanese Smileys

What is Japanese Smileys?


Instead of :) and :(, japanaese people use these smileys:

(^_^)v!(^^)!(@_@)(-_-):-O:-((^-^)(~o~)(*_*)(=_=)(?_?)(>_<)(^O^)(^_-):-)(*^_^*)(-_-;)_(_^_)_( _ )(^_^)/~(^o^)^^;_(._.)_(T_T)(^^)/~~~(^^)(^^;)<(_ _)>(/_;)(^^)/(^_^)(^_^;)m(_ _)m(;_;)(^_^)/

find each definition for the smileys on your own.

When I used Japanese smileys during a chat, it was kind of popular to my friends.


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