What is Japanglish?
The speech pattern
Did you see that girl walking down the street. She is totemo kawaii!
Generally, Japanese words liberally thrown into English speech, generally the doing of anime fans who like to show off what they know about this language.
Not as recent as you think, I may add - Judo masters in the West have been known to do it for generations.
Japanese kids are crazy on Western culture and its language, so don't be too shocked by Western kids doing the same thing.
Obviously since I defend it I've used it a few times myself, but so many people hate it I've learned not to. It's the official language of the Wapanese people.
Awww those bunnies are so kawaii
The official language of the
(n.)(cont.)The slang dialect of
garaigo ,otaku .
Also, heavily mispronounced and used incorrectly.
Mispronounced: Neko (which would be pronounced neh-koh) is pronounced by Wapanese as niko.
Incorrect Usage: Many Wapanese try to add honorifics to their own names, which is not only impolite, but indicative of how little they know about anything Japanese, such as: -name-chan (or -kun ir -san or -sama or -dono, etc.)
Many thing including most of what is said above. A phenomenon unknown to the normal population and certainly unknown to those living in Japan, japanese or not. A very odd phenomenon since for some reason this doesn't happen with other languages such as Korean, Chinese, Italian etc..
Never have I heard or read someone saying, you should give me a lai hai, or anyon! im from korea! unless it was a joke between me and my international friends i met in japan and lived with for a year.
Seems pointless, or you speak a language or you don't. Most japanese people would be extremely confused at the use of this bastardization of the language, although they themselves bastardize english. It is a case of ignorance.
As students in Japan we found it to be very pointless and weird to start talking in Japanese to each other since everyone knew enough english to comunicate. Heck, not even the japanese want to speak japanese to foreigners, or anything for that matter. I showed one of my Japanese friends this kind of "slang" and they became very irritated at the misuse of their language.
Warning to all who try to use japanese... if you don't speak it perfectly, don't bother. I've spent 5 years, one of those in japan studying japanese and believe me... if you went to japan and actually interacted or tried to interact and realized how different it is from the way it is portrayed to you via cartoons and movies, you would stop speaking this Japanenglish stuff.
Unacceptable Japanglish sentence: huuun? what do mean I'm "chibi-er" than that character in Robotech?
Acceptabel Japanese sentence: naze minna wa kono japanenrishu wo tsukau nano? daikirai dakara... yamero!
Japanglish is quasi-language almost exclusively used by the most clueless of the
Japanglish sometimes also refers to a pseudo-language used in learning Japanese; this is rare in internet culture.
"OMG! Neko-san is sooooo baka XD"
- Probably someone
"That's so kawaii!!!"
Gwen Stefani
Almost all wapanese forum speech uses some form of Japanglish.