
What is Japanophile?


One who is terribly obssessed with Japan, and anything Japanese. He/she may even get sexual stimulation from anything remotely realtedd to Japan, or japanese culture.

Ian is a Japanophile


Often bears similarities to a nerd a Japanophile is someone who

1. Thinks Japan is the greatest country/culture in the world.

2. Tries to learn the japanese language simply by watching animes and repeats lines of it later on to attempt at impressing someone, they usually get the word wrong as well

3. Has or would like to go out in cos play looking like a complete idiot dressed up as their favorite anime or RPG character

4. Thinks every female in Japan is "innocent" or "shy"

5. Is pale and overweight

6. Spends most of there time online typically playing RPGs such as Ragnarok or Final Fantasy

7. Rarely leaves the house

8. Spends a good 18 hours each week watching animes and if they recently bought a series will watch the lot in one go

9. Wants to go to Japan to live there forever and possibly marry an Asian woman, they seem to belive Japanese women are easy to pick up.

10. Spends a good length of time on foreign sites and downloads animes from the internet whether there in English or not.

11. Buys anime magazines to see what the latest "hot" anime is so they can go out and purchase it.

12. Has or would like to purchase swords from Japan to try and improve there already stupid image

13. Tries to hangout with other asians wheteher they are friends with them or not because "all asians are cool" they repeat this line often, and if they see an asian walking by them in the street they will either stare at them or talk about them for ages "Did you see that asian kid"

If six of the above apply to you then you're a Japanophile


A non-Japanese person who has a near-indescrimate love of all things from Japan. Japanophiles watch anime religiously, import overpriced novelty items from Japan, collect samurai swords, play untranslated Japanese video games, eat large amounts of Japanese food, rave about how Japanese culture is superior to every other culture on the planet, etc.

See also wapanese, egg, and otaku.

The japanophile believed that a samurai sword could cut through solid steel like a blowtorch through butter.

See Deej


I know one of these. They may, on several occasions during the course of one week, be spotted:

- wearing several different shirts with kanji or anime characters on them

- watching hours upon hours upon hours upon hours of anime and AMVs

- talking about all of the greatest "Japanese music" songs

- trying to draw mangabut doing a really terrible job

- trying to impress Japanese people with their vast knowledge of the person's home country

- wanting eagerly to be included in any conversation involving anime

- calling self an otaku

- insisting on using chopsticks and talking about how skilled they are with chopsticks

- talking about martial artsand how they are skilled in it

- eating sushi/other japanese food and talking about it a lot, and making sure people see them eating it

And the big one...

Saying stupid, random phrases from animes to make it seem like they know Japanese.

They actually think you are impressed by this.

They have no real idea about how to speak the language but they pretend to.

Oh, and adding - sanor other suffixes to names in real life and online.

Most of the time japanophiles know very little about anime, manga and overall japanese culture and put on the act to impress others who are more knowledgeable. They may have low self-esteem.

See poser, poseur, wapanese, otaku, n00b, 308


Someone completely obsessed with Japanese culture.

May also refer to someone who is whoring out the culture, aka, Gwen Stefani.

Can also verge on extremely annoying.

Girl 1: That person is sooooo being a Gwen Stefani

Man 1: I despise Japanophiles. I hope they all die. Along with the many other groups of people I want to die.

See Felix


A person who essentially rapes the culture of Japan. These people are anime freaks, and know absolutely NOTHING of the Japanese culture except from what they have seen in anime. They may think it quite cool to add '-san' or '-chan' to the end of people's names, use their 4-word Japanese vocabulary in everyday situations and wear black all the time. These people generally only make friends with other Japanophiles and are seen mostly as losers.

These people watch a bunch of cheap, crappy animes that have gotten really popular because of the Japanophile culture. These animes include Inu-Yasha, Full-Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, and Naruto.

"Konichiwa. ^-^ Inu-yasha is on! It's my favorite because Kagome is SO kawaii." (something a japanophile would say)

See narutard, otaku, goth, geek


An alternative to Wapanese. This is simply a defintion for someone who appreciates things related to Japan. Similar to a xenophile.

It's also considored an insult to critisize people who refuse to read American comics, instead of just manga. Likewise with cartoons as opposed to anime.

"... She doesn't take an interest in anything I show her, unless it's Japanese."

Pyschiatrist: ".. So she's a Japanophile?"

See Anonymous


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