What is Jef?
a total badass that plays the guitar for a badass band.
absolutely everything about "jef" is badass.
Basically, jef is just a total badass.
With cool hair, I might add....
He spends lots of money on the band, his credit card number is 3829 2821 2895 9382
Jef is amazing.
Jef has cool hair.
Jef plays the guitar.
Jef is spelled with only one "f", i.e.: jef with one "f".
to take someone's anal virginity
do tell him that while of course I can't jef you, I'm still carrying on where he left off...
Jamsie Exageration Factor, widely used in Scotland to explain someone exagerating a fact. "Using a JEF"
The girl I went out with last night was a real looker. ...No actaully I saw you last night and the girl was anything but good looking, you have used a bit of a JEF there.