What is Jefferson High School?


Located in northwest Portland, Oregon, Jefferson High School is one of the lowest performing high schools in the state. It has one of the high drop-out rates, and many of its students go on to do absolutely nothing with their lives. Although Jefferson students often claim on attending the high school because they think it will help out their "street cred" they don't realize that their school is named after either Thomas Jefferson (who owned slaves) or Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederate States of America). Students at wealtheir schools often use Jefferson in a negative connotation in their daily speech (example shown below).

There are a couple common misconceptions about Jefferson:

Myth: Police are afraid to go there.

Fact: Police just don't give a shit about the people in that part of town.

Myth: Jefferson is cool, gangsta, hard, or "the shit".

Fact: Jefferson sucks. Period. They can't hold a sloppy turd to most other schools in the state or in the nation.

Myth: Jefferson is cool because their football team did the Haka this season, even after they were penalized for doing so.

Fact: The University of Hawaii did it first.

"That shirt is so Jefferson High School, I can't believe anyone would ever wear that."

See jefferson, demos, democrats, portland, ghetto, hood


The Tightest High School in Portland and in all of Oregon!

-> the best bball team: the Jefferson Democrats

-> hottest black chicks

-> most black chicks

-> only school in the state of oregon, which is in da hood

-> girl fights

-> worst SAT score in OR

-> tightest teachers

-> police is scared to go there

what else can I say?


A: oi did ya hear what happened last night at jefferson high school?

B: no what happened?

A: the Jefferson Democrats kicked Lincoln High Schools Ass and the police was too scared to stop some hot girls fightin

See portland, high school, ghetto, gangsta, democrats


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