
What is Jeg?


Jeg is the norwegian word for "I"

Jeg er en normann!

I'm norwegian!

See i, ich, jeg, eg, jag


To dance, especially when drunk.

I jegged my ass off at my sister's wedding.


Means that something lacks in style.

the best example- Sam is a jeg

See style, sam, lack, clothes, jegs


you can use it as a noun or as an adjective - sort of like the word 'fuck'.

"you are a jeg"


"i have jegged this right up"


"you jeggy fuck"



a loser who suck-big-time!, a cutter or a class cutter who always cut class and who is popular among gay people.

girl1: so, what happened between you & marc after-class?

girl2:oh.. you mean during class hour?

girl1: whhatt? you guys cut class??

girl2: not me. he did.. marc is such a JEG!

not only that, he even ditched me for that noli guy to

watch basketball! i was so pissed!

girl1: that is so jegmarquez! and he is sooo jeg! ..... girl! you're

better off w/o him.

See loser, weiner, schlort, poop, shithead, cutter


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