
What is Jehovah?


The divine name of God, as used in the English language. From the ancient Hebrew, which had no vowels, YHVHor JHVH. Other languages use similar spellings.

The name Jehovah is so fearsome to some people that they went to the trouble to remove it from His own book. They alternate between the excuses, that we don't know the original pronunciation of God's name, and that God's name is Jesus, when in fact, Jesus isn't the original pronunciation of Yeshua's name and that doesn't seem to bother them.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom", (Ps. 111:10), so fearing His name is fine. However, how is one to gain further wisdom when one fears fear itself more than one fears Jehovah?


A CHRISTIAN religion that is simply slightly stricter than others.

I was once part of this religion and can assure you that It is NOT a crazy cult that convinces you to give them money. This religion believes that there is only one god Jehovah (which is actually in the bible btw) and that we must try hard to follow his rules if we wish to get into paridise and live for ever.

It does not invent crazy irrational rules out of nowhere it simply follows exactly what the bible says. Some might say that this is stupid but IMO it is completlely pointless to only follow the rules in the bible that you like and ignore the ones that you you dont like some religions do.

In the bible it DOES state that you should refrain from any thing to do with paganism and we all know for a fact that christmas is a pagan religion.

It ISN'T about not having fun, or drinking or having parties its about having morals.

Personally I decided to leave the religion basically because I just plain don't like orginised religion and I think that you dont have to go to 3 (the actual no. of meetings) a week to get in touch with god.

I know many people who I am still in touch with from the religion who are good friends of mine and DO know how to have fun.

Also the religion does not belive in hell and belives that on the day of judgment EVERYBODY will be reserected and judged in the eyes of god no matter what they have done becuase god will know if they are a good person or not. They do not belive in hell because a god that could torture somone for all eternity would not be a just god.

Nobody in the religion is forced into anything children do not get baptised until they are at an age that they can decide for themselves what they want, me I decided it wasnt what I wanted but I wasn't shunned or judged.

Basically dont judge a religion that you dont really know anything about.

See cult, hell, jehovah


The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, of the Holy Scriptures, The Christian Bible.

In the beginning, Jehovah created the heavens and earth. Jehovah your God is a jealous God.

See abraham, issac, jacob, holy bible


A complete and total mispronunciation of "Yahweh" the name of the Creator as found in the Hebrew Bible.

Jehovah's Witnesses make a big deal about how you have to call on God by His true name "Jehovah" until you point out that the name is actually "Yahweh" and then suddenly it really doesn't matter all that much.

See yah, yahweh, yahshua, yahwist, yahwism


A religion which is part of the christian religion. stricter than others. Never let one onto your property otherwise you will have to give your soul. Dont ever be kind or fear for your life. You may never ever see you soul again should one ever come to your house. The easiest way to get rid of one is to say: 'I dont want become a scientologist right now'.

A jehovah walks onto your lawn. Then i would reply gtfo my lawn retard. I dont want to be part of your crappy cult for which i would have to subjugate my monies to a bunch of munters. Dont come near me again or i will give you a close encounter of the third kind with my twelve bore property keeper.

See jehovah, retard, retardation, gtfo, christian


The ancient israelite god of war. Maker of rules and smiter of innocents! Real tool... Broke every single rule that he laid down regularly! Up to and including human sacrifice (Jeptha's daughter anyone) Said he was perfect yet felt regret after many of his psychotic rampages? WTF your either perfect or not!

Not mentioned by Jesus ONCE! NOT ONCE! Don't believe these door to door ministries that try to show you it in their bible or in your bible in PSALMS! Um hello, psalms is the Hebrew part?! Show me Jesus saying it! OH DIP you can't!

This god is worse than Allah! Insist that his followers kill every man woman child sheep goat and DONKEY of their enemies! For crimes HUNDREDS of years before! This dude is the original Satan! SICK FUCK!

Hey did you know that gods name is Jehovah?

Fuck that your sick twisted wants to kill everyone is sights name might be jehovah but he's no god of mine!

Well if you look right here in MY bible!

Here's my 'gat you now have 3 seconds to clear the fence!

See adventist, jehovah's witness, bible, god


The name of the pathetic god worshipped by many of the White-Light Religions.

If you really exist.. Kill me now Jehovah, this world is plain idiotic.


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