What is Jerking?
The directory containing the finest and highest quality self pleasuring images to stimulate the lonely and isolated soul.
Jon: Can you believe that he has a directory named Jerking?
C: Well he is stuck up here all by himself
Another "crank that" pandemic that will eventually pass through.
Jerking is where you "jerk" your body wildly like a person having a seizure while standing up that synchronizes with some nonsensical so-called "music".
Apparently, all "jerks" are required by law to wear skinny jeans and they dance around where cars are and then get out of the traffic. (Seriously, can't they even block it or something?)
Are you a jerk?
Yes. I'm a jerk. Let's jerk! Yeah! I'm jerking, man!
Form of inner-city dance. Slowed form of dancing.
Stanky Leg and Spongebob fall under it!
Man 1:Hey you a jerk?
Man 2: Yeah, I jerk all day and night
Man 3:Jerk, jerk, jerk!
Man 2: Jerking in the club!
Man 1: Huh?
Man 3: What?
All: Jerk Jerk Jerk!
A dance in Southern Cali, includes reject, jerking, pin drop, etc., also type of music, groups also; New Boys, Rangers, etc.,
We're gunna do a jerking video, and post it on youtube, rate, comment, suscribe
maybe new dance of 2009
very popular
most can do it great
Aja:hey whats up
Brianna:nothing much can you jerk
Aja:I can jerk my..
Cristal:hi guys
Aja And Brianna:hello
Brianna:Can you guys jerk
Aja and Cristal:Yes i can
Brianna:Well you guys start jerking
Dance Dance Dance
im jerking all over your mom