What is Jerrytards?
The plural of Jerrytard.
A mindless fool who thinks that "The Jerry Springer Show" is:
-- real, and they can't enough of it
-- a little fake, but they still can't get enough of it
-- completely fabricated, but they pretend not to notice because it's "great entertainment"
-- a source of hope for their own pathetic lives ("Well, at least I'm better off than THOSE losers.") Yeah, right.
Mother: (speaking to daughter) “Why don’t you go get a job?”
Daughter (staring at TV): "Jer-RY, Jer-RY, Jer-RY…."
Mother: "This show is a fraud, but former guests are not allowed to reveal that. They have even been threatened with having to reimburse the show for production costs if they tell the truth."
Daughter: "Jer-RY, Jer-RY, Jer-RY…."
Mother: "I raised you better than this! Why don’t you get a life?"
Daughter: "Jer-RY, Jer-RY, Jer-RY…."
Mother: "Have you, and your fellow Jerrytards, been eating lead paint again?"