Jersey Girl

What is Jersey Girl?


born and raised in New Jersey, specifically the shore. beautiful in a unique way, has the ability to impress with salty hair and sand under her fingernails, makeup and shoes are optional, tanlines are embraced, has a strong attitude and a tough mouth, encompases the phenomena of waking up more stunning than the night before

"Nothing matters in this whole wide world when you're in love with a Jersey Girl." -The Boss

See Bridget


"The Jersey girl..a love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style. Jersey girls are about attitude. They're about eating pizza, drinking beer, having great hair - and enjoying it all..She's got a mouth on her. She says what she means. And she's got a nice, cheerful laugh..Bottom line, all of them are sexy as hell." -The Star Ledger

Everyone loves a Jersey Girl.

See jersey, new jersey, girl, jerzee, sexy, hot, the best


Fucking sweet.

Easily the best kind of girl you can find.

They can party, drink, smoke, flirt, and look hot doing it.

They pretty much rule the subject of girls.

"Yo you can party like a fuckin' Jersey Girl! Fuck yeah bro!"

See jersey, jersey shore, girl, new jersey, sexy


A girl with a certain tacky yet awesome sense of style, who loves beer and smoking cigarettes. Listens to Bon Jovi and Bruce Springstein. Loves to go "down the shore". To pass the time hangs out with her friends at the mall and drives around at night. Has a big loving heart but don't cross her because she can tell you the hell off and never takes shit from anyone.

Go to the Wildwood or Seaside Heights boardwalks and you will find lots of Jersey girls ready to have fun.


“She's humble, but ambitious. She's independent, but family-oriented. She likes pizza, beer and lots of mascara, but don't think for a second that she's not sophisticated.

She's the Jersey Girl, and she's one of the Garden State's most enduring icons- a readily identifiable personality, as much a part of America's cultural landscape as that other great Jerseyan, Frank Sinatra.

So who is a Jersey Girl? There's a chance you're one- but residency isn't all it takes. The Girl has a specific character, both in pop culture and in the hearts and minds of Jerseyans.

First there are the surface qualities: A love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style. Jersey Girls are about attitude. They're about eating pizza, drinking beer, having great hair- and enjoying it all.

She's a girl who enjoys the mall, might wear more makeup than the Ivy League would approve of, and gives some thought to her hair. She's got a mouth on her. She says what she means. And she's got a nice, cheerful laugh. She's spunky and witty, and she handles competition very well. She's got that confidence- everyone from New Jersey has that confidence.

A Jersey Girl is crunchy on the outside, and soft in the center. A Jersey Girl has the tenacity and drive of a New Yorker, but with the beauty of warmth and humility that being from Jersey is all about. Don't mistake her toughness as a lack of refinement. Don't misjudge her sometimes “brash” manners as a lack of 'classiness.' At the center of the crunchy sweet exterior, she is tuned in and knows how and what she's working.

A Jersey Girl doesn't have to have a high-powered career, but whatever work she does, she gives it her all- and she takes care of her family at the same time. The overall makeup, if you will, of a true Jersey Girl: hard-working, family-oriented, spirited, one of a kind. And if you're lucky, she's your wife.

Bottom line, all of them are sexy as hell.”

- excerpted from The Star-Ledger

you can find plenty of jersey girls on the beaches and boardwalks of the jersey shore during the summer months

See jersey shore, bergen county


A state of mind bred into the minds of any caucasian female of any socio-economic class residing in America's armpit, New Jersey. The attitude combines the airheadedness of a blond, the foul mouth of a Quentin Tarantinomovie, the self-centeredness of a mafia don's wife and the pathetic, materialistic shallowness and faux-classiness of Paris Hilton. While this attitude is prolific in this region not all females behave in such a way as the Jersey Girl's attitude, being parasitic in nature, must suck the life of other normal people by means of scorning, tormenting and demeaning in order to boost their own, hidden, low self-esteem, self-loathing and jealousy from not actually being born a Manhattanite.

Subcategories of the Jersey Girl genus are:

1) Italian: Guidette

2) Jewish: JAP

3) Anglo: White Trash

Jersey Girl's aren't trashy. Trash, at least, gets picked up.

Tara Reid is a classic Jersey Girl

See bitch, cunt, twat, uber bitch, biotch, hormonal, bi-otch, pms, white trash, trashy, bimbo, jersey, chick, boob job, guidette, jap, j.a.p., white, italian, ho, guido, bitchy, hobag, new jersey, new york, materialistic, slut, tara reid


Jersey Girls is a colloquial derisive term, used to describe girls from New Jersey, USA , as the true "dumb brunettes", as opposed to dumb blondes. This term seems to be loosely similar to the British Essex girl, linking stereotypical airheadness to a specific geographical region.

Jersey girls are brunettes or bleached blondes with the hard Jersey accent, loud, PROMISCUOUS, using highly-repetitive small set of weasel phrases and word combinations with a high volume of F-words in the language, unable to handle BASIC life situations, usually from a working or middle class background, and often but not always of Italian or mixed Irish-Italian descent.

Chrystle Tromans is a Jersey Girl in every aspect of the word!

See chrystle, promiscuous, cheaters, ugly, skank, whore, worthless, trash


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