A noun combining the words jew and newbletusually referring to a player in online fps games or such pc games as Diablo 2. The aforementioned player is usually guilty of shameful tactics as camping or nk-ing.
1. <Varchild> Goddamn jewblet wont stop camping the bfg and quad dmg! 2.<Varchild> U damn jewblet stop nk-ing me or ill make you save and exit!
See jew, newblet, newb, noob, nk, camper, jewish, n00b, scrub, pwn
The word jiblet, except implying that the person being called a jiblet is also jewish.
You suck at this game, you little jewblet.
See jiblet, noob, choob, froob, joob, jewbag, slut, nerd, fag, faggot, tard, retard, r-tard, rtard, r tard, turdmuffin, tardmuffin, giblet