
What is Jibble?


v. To jiggle in a grotesque manner. A cross between giblet and jiggle. Sort of like undulating Jell-O

n. The feeling you get when you witness something disturbing.

v. The morbidly obese man jibbled up to the buffet.

adj. The jibbling undead bodies of flub waddled forth from their graves.

n. When I heard what a lemon party was, it gave me the jibbles.

See gross, flesh, disturbing, wiggle, jiggle


To put one's memeber into another person's ear, reminiscent of a wet willy, but with your willy.

I jibbled him while he was drunk and passed out, then a buddy of mine teabagged him.

See ear, jibble, wet, willy, teabag



A term for a marijuana and tobacco cigarette, originates from East London, UK.

Yo dude, fancy a jibble?

Oh fo sho

See joint, weed, marijuana, smoking, high


Noun: Bodily chub (especially the chub under ones arms and on ones stomach that jiggles as you do the Wu-Tang)

Kara: *Points Anna's stomach*

Anna: Hey! Don't touch my jibble! *Covers stomach self-consciously with hands*

See chub, fat, wu-tang, jiggle


A word of many words. This one word can mean many things.

Susan jibbled her way downstairs. Paul was feeling jibbly. "You can't put that jibble in there!" shouted Mark.


adj: retard or stupid person

shut up you jibble

See retarded, stupid, idiotic


A jibble is a racist, weird and/or annoying person.

That jibble is the most racist person I ever saw.

See annoying, weird, strange, racist, jibble


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